Be well understood

Greek is my native language and one that I have developed to an excellent level of command. Being specialised in legal writing, language and terminology, I will convey the true meaning of your documents. And of course, I can officially certify my translations. Below you can find the languages that I personally translate from. Feel free to contact about other European language combinations, as my network may be of assistance.

English - translations

The most widespread language of communication between foreign and international authorities. I have been working with translating from English into Greek since 2011 and have voluntarily offered similar services to Council of the E.U. Furthermore, I have successfully completed training with the Bar Association of Thessaloniki on English Legal Terminology. My focus is on legal texts, including court decisions, contracts, and agreements as well as technical documents such as certifications, taxation documents, salary notices, and more.

Danish - oversættelser

A Nordic language of high relevance for Greece due to the large community of Danish expats enjoying the country and participating in its possibilities and potential. My knowledge of the language has been built through studying Danish in Copenhagen (Studieskolen) while completing my Master’s degree in Law, working and living there from 2014 and until 2019. Since then, I have continued to improve upon it and have successfully delivered numerous translation projects. These have mostly been technical translations used for the bureaucratic necessities of life in Greece and include årsopgørelser, lejekontrakter, ansættelseskontrakter, lønsedler and beviser of many kinds.

French - traductions

French is an important language for the historical shaping of modern State Administrations and one that is used in several countries within Europe. It has been the working language for my traineeship at the Council of the E.U. and my formal training in it is complete. Similarly with English, I have completed the French legal terminology course at the Bar Association of Thessaloniki. It is always a pleasure to receive and work with documents from the pays francophones.

Other languages

Feel free to contact about translation of documents that are prepared in other European languages. My network may be of assistance.


Thessaloniki, Greece